Taking a break from kingdoms and races to talk a little about religion. Religion plays an important role in the lives of many people on Teredahar. Some still pray to the long-dead Ceratharidoun, but many have chosen instead to pray to his immortal disciples, the thirteen Hebdomad. Each of the Hebdomad was a mortal living on Ceratharidoun's world. He chose these individuals to receive fragments of His power for reasons that remain unclear. Disagreements between the Hebdomad led directly the the cataclysm of the Elves world. Some of them feel guilty for this and are trying to help mortals in their own ways. Others don't care. None of the Hebdomad were in positions of power during their mortal
lives, and while some have risen to prominence, a few remain reclusive
and hidden from mortals.
Name: Headmaster Azan
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance: A stout, bald, male Syldarri Elf with dark skin and pale eyes
Mortal Background: Bounty-hunter
Known For: Founder of Ashram Warmage Academy, military leader
Domains: Law, Knowledge, Magic, War
Weapon: Longsword
Symbol: Triflame
Name: Sif Atlon, The Thrice-Born
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: Pale, extremely thin, female Grey Elf with green eyes and black hair
Mortal Background: Healer-turned-lich
Known For: Patron of healers and physicians
Domains: Repose, Healing, Darkness, Death
Weapon: Rapier
Symbol: Cross
Name: Elidrianna, The Wanderer
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Appearance: Female fey creature with purple skin and golden hair and eyes
Mortal Background: Noted explorer and cartographer
Known For: Created a portal network between Shards, founded guild of planar guides
Domains: Travel, Chaos, Void, Liberation
Weapon: Shortbow
Symbol: Compass
Name: Zero, The Great Unifier
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Appearance: Enormous male Grey Elf with blank eyes, white hair and a long beard
Mortal Background: Traveling Monk
Known For: United peoples on several Shard worlds under one empire
Domains:Law, Community, Nobility, Strength
Weapon: Sai
Symbol: Plain Circle
Name: Lord Karkasiss
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance: A wizened and kingly Grey Elf
Mortal Background: Architect
Known For: Created and rules over his own artificial Shard
Domains: Protection, Good, Earth, Rune
Weapon: Greatsword
Symbol: Plotter
Name: Moragan Ironskin
Alignment: Neutral
Appearance: Blonde-haired, male Mountain Dwarf with silvery, metallic skin
Mortal Background: Blacksmith
Known For: Patron of craftsmen and artists, protector of Dwarvenkind
Domains: Artifice, Fire, Strength, Protection
Weapon: Warhammer
Symbol: Hammer
Name: Marren Cinderstaff
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: Young, tall, female Drow with flaming eyes and white hair
Mortal Background: Prodigal Sorceress
Known For: Patron protector of Drow and Mountain Elves all over the multiverse
Domains: Magic, Darkness, Chaos, Fire
Weapon: Quarterstaff
Symbol: 8-pointed star
Name: Silveryn
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: Young, female Syldarri Elf with olive skin, brown hair and eyes, and an athletic build
Mortal Background: Roguish thrill-seeking adventurer
Known For: Patron of adventurers, treasure-hunters, and climbers
Domains: Luck, Glory, Destruction, Chaos
Weapon: Dagger
Symbol: Piton
Name: Välásir of Colvarren
Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: Wizened and old Grey Elf with pale skin, grey eyes, and flowing white hair
Mortal Background: Inventor
Known For: Created libraries of hidden knowledge scattered around the multiverse
Domains: Knowledge, Artifice, Water, Good
Weapon: Spear
Symbol: Book
Name: Guile, The Bard
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: No fixed appearance, but often female.
Mortal Background: Musician
Known For: Patron of performers and enchanters
Domains: Charm, Chaos, Air, Madness
Weapon: Rapier
Symbol: Guitar
Name: Grenn Overhill
Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: Middle-aged male Syldarri Elf with tanned skin, brown eyes and black hair. Often dressed as a peasant.
Mortal Background: Peasant farmer
Known For: Patron of harvests, reclusiveness
Domains: Plant, Sun, Good, Weather
Weapon: Scythe
Symbol: 4-leaft clover
Name: Almáz of the Deep
Alignment: Neutral
Appearance: Frequently appears as an earth elemental, sometimes as a male dwarf
Mortal Background: Miner
Known For: Built an enormous extra-dimensional maze and hides in it from the rest of the multiverse. Said to be guarding untold riches.
Domains: Earth, Luck, Travel, Madness
Weapon: Battle Ax
Symbol: Pickaxe
Name: Tannog, The Highwayman
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Appearance: A young male Mountain Elf with black hair and red eyes, almost always wearing dark-coloured leather armour
Mortal Background: Mountain bandit
Known For: Patron of mercenaries and tricksters
Domains: Trickery, Evil, Strength, Animal
Weapon: Shortsword
Symbol: Swords
Next Time
Next week's article will return to the people/places rotation, covering the Halfling races who inhabit Teredahar's southern lowlands.