Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance: A stout, bald, male Syldarri Elf with dark skin and pale eyes
Mortal Background: Bounty-hunter
Known For: Founder of Ashram Warmage Academy, military leader
Domains: Law, Knowledge, Magic, War
Weapon: Longsword
Symbol: Triflame
Name: Sif Atlon, The Thrice-Born
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: Pale, extremely thin, female Grey Elf with green eyes and black hair
Mortal Background: Healer-turned-lich
Known For: Patron of healers and physicians
Domains: Repose, Healing, Darkness, Death
Weapon: Rapier
Symbol: Cross
Name: Elidrianna, The Wanderer
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Appearance: Female fey creature with purple skin and golden hair and eyes
Mortal Background: Noted explorer and cartographer
Known For: Created a portal network between Shards, founded guild of planar guides
Domains: Travel, Chaos, Void, Liberation
Weapon: Shortbow
Symbol: Compass
Name: Zero, The Great Unifier
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Appearance: Enormous male Grey Elf with blank eyes, white hair and a long beard
Mortal Background: Traveling Monk
Known For: United peoples on several Shard worlds under one empire
Domains:Law, Community, Nobility, Strength
Weapon: Sai
Symbol: Plain Circle
Name: Lord Karkasiss
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance: A wizened and kingly Grey Elf
Mortal Background: Architect
Known For: Created and rules over his own artificial Shard
Domains: Protection, Good, Earth, Rune
Weapon: Greatsword
Symbol: Plotter
Name: Moragan Ironskin
Alignment: Neutral
Appearance: Blonde-haired, male Mountain Dwarf with silvery, metallic skin
Mortal Background: Blacksmith
Known For: Patron of craftsmen and artists, protector of Dwarvenkind
Domains: Artifice, Fire, Strength, Protection
Weapon: Warhammer
Symbol: Hammer
Name: Marren Cinderstaff
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: Young, tall, female Drow with flaming eyes and white hair
Mortal Background: Prodigal Sorceress
Known For: Patron protector of Drow and Mountain Elves all over the multiverse
Domains: Magic, Darkness, Chaos, Fire
Weapon: Quarterstaff
Symbol: 8-pointed star
Name: Silveryn
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: Young, female Syldarri Elf with olive skin, brown hair and eyes, and an athletic build
Mortal Background: Roguish thrill-seeking adventurer
Known For: Patron of adventurers, treasure-hunters, and climbers
Domains: Luck, Glory, Destruction, Chaos
Weapon: Dagger
Symbol: Piton
Name: Välásir of Colvarren
Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: Wizened and old Grey Elf with pale skin, grey eyes, and flowing white hair
Mortal Background: Inventor
Known For: Created libraries of hidden knowledge scattered around the multiverse
Domains: Knowledge, Artifice, Water, Good
Weapon: Spear
Symbol: Book
Name: Guile, The Bard
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: No fixed appearance, but often female.
Mortal Background: Musician
Known For: Patron of performers and enchanters
Domains: Charm, Chaos, Air, Madness
Weapon: Rapier
Symbol: Guitar
Name: Grenn Overhill
Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: Middle-aged male Syldarri Elf with tanned skin, brown eyes and black hair. Often dressed as a peasant.
Mortal Background: Peasant farmer
Known For: Patron of harvests, reclusiveness
Domains: Plant, Sun, Good, Weather
Weapon: Scythe
Symbol: 4-leaft clover
Name: Almáz of the Deep
Alignment: Neutral
Appearance: Frequently appears as an earth elemental, sometimes as a male dwarf
Mortal Background: Miner
Known For: Built an enormous extra-dimensional maze and hides in it from the rest of the multiverse. Said to be guarding untold riches.
Domains: Earth, Luck, Travel, Madness
Weapon: Battle Ax
Symbol: Pickaxe
Name: Tannog, The Highwayman
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Appearance: A young male Mountain Elf with black hair and red eyes, almost always wearing dark-coloured leather armour
Mortal Background: Mountain bandit
Known For: Patron of mercenaries and tricksters
Domains: Trickery, Evil, Strength, Animal
Weapon: Shortsword
Symbol: Swords
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