Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 9

Chapter 9 of The Frozen Kingdom is now available for preview.

This chapter picks up right after the end of chapter 8. Two rival gangs, The Smiths and The Guardians are preparing to battle in the Guardians' underground brewery-fortress. The party have allied with one side or the other to gain access, but the fight itself is not their concern.

Within Barreltown is rumoured to be the third of Valasir's libraries and another crucial piece to uncovering what happened to freeze Tannock in ice and what the would-be queen Zerith Amastatica is really after.

After the RP-heavy eighth chapter, this chapter swings the focus back to combat, dungeoneering, and puzzle-solving.

The Bestiary has also been updated for chapters 8 and 9.


Chapter 9 - Barreltown: Google Doc | PDF
The Frozen Kingdom Bestiary: Google Doc | PDF

Level 4-5 characters. Estimated playing time: 2 hours.

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 8

Chapter 8 of The Frozen Kingdom is now available for preview.
In this module the party continue their quest by traveling south into Koldar and the City of Ardan Castle. There they must deal with the locals to discover if Välásir's third library is even in the city, and where to go to find it. There's a great deal of potential side-tracking in the city, places to see, and characters to interact with.

This is the longest chapter in The Frozen Kingdom so far, and probably the longest of the entire 13-ish chapters in the whole story. The length is attributable to the large number of potential side-tracks for parties to go on as they scour the city looking for clues as to where the next library is located. Players on the direct path could be done in under an hour, whereas players who explore more or find a lot of dead-end paths will take several hours. Those dead-ends all have their own challenges and rewards, though, so I like to think of them as "optional encounters" rather than true dead-ends. DMs running this module will have to read their players and decide how big a trip to make of their time in The City of Ardan Castle.

Note: At time of publishing (Oct 24th), the bestiary has not been updated yet with blocks for NPCs from this chapter.


Chapter 8 - Ardan Castle: Google Doc | PDF
The Frozen Kingdom Bestiary: Google Doc | PDF

Level 4 characters. Estimated playing time: 1-4 hours.

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 7

Chapter 7 of The Frozen Kingdom is now available for preview.

This picks up right where Chapter 6 left off, with the party heading upwards into the ruined city of Skyperch in search of where Valasir may have hidden the rest of the spell that froze the kingdom.


Chapter 7 - The Ruins of Skyperch: Google Doc | PDF
The Frozen Kingdom Bestiary: Google Doc | PDF

Remember that the party gained a level at the end of chapter 6 but that new level should not take effect until they have taken a long rest.

Level 3-4 characters. Estimated playing time: 2 hours.

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 6

Chapter 6 of The Frozen Kingdom is now available for preview.

Thus we enter the "Road Trip" part of the story.

The party must now travel to the dwarven town of Kor's Geode in search of another of Välásir’s libraries. Getting there is the easy part. Once there they must somehow convince the city's tyrranical leader to grant them access to the ruined city atop his mountain where the library is believed to be.

This also introduces the first of a series of sidequests concerning Merle Raddelle if the party chose to keep her alive and bring her along. Merle's story largely runs in parallel with the main plot as she comes to understand her powers and the world at large with the party's help. As the story progresses we will see more of these.


Chapter 6 - Kor's Geode: Google Doc | PDF
The Frozen Kingdom Bestiary: Google Doc | PDF

This module has highly variable playtime depending on what the players choose to do in Kor's Geode. If they miss or ignore the sidequest and jump straight to a successful strategy for getting to Skyperch the chapter could be done in an hour. If they do the sidequest and choose to sneak/murder their way to a solution then it could take much longer.

Level 3 characters. Estimated playing time: 1-4 hours.

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Thursday, June 16, 2016

On Constructed Languages

Just as Tolkien gave us our modern definitions of Elves and Dwarves, he also gave us on of the best examples of fantasy constructed languages. Since the beginnings of tabletop roleplaying there has been a long tradition of GMs and world builders making up languages. I'm writing this article about my experience with the process of formally designing and building a language. I'm going to try and avoid using technical terms as much as possible.


Years ago I embarked on the traditional language-construction quest to build a Drakoni language as an outshoot of my work on Drakoni culture. More recently I put some examples of romanized Drakoni words in articles on this blog.

Below is an example of formal edict written in Drakoni and Elvish (in Teredahar, Elvish is the primary language of trade, thus English is used for all Elvish writing) modeled off of the Rosetta stone.
The same message written in Elvish and Formal (boxy) v2 Draconic. Click for romanization.

I have used Drakoni for a few years in my normal Pathfinder group's stories. The Frozen Kingdom only has a few examples of the Drakoni language so I could have just stuck with the same version I have been using (version 2, technically). However, recently someone with a formal background in speech and linguistics joined my circle of friends. She has agreed to help rework Drakoni as a properly-modeled, internally-consistent, and usable language.

Physically Speaking

The first step was just working out what sounds a Drakoni can actually make. For Mac's concept art I described the Drakoni as having crocodile-like features. Typically dragons are drawn with shorter, more iguana-like features. Various other fractional-dragon races are portrayed with wildly differing facial structures and different kinds of tongues that impact what kinds of sounds they can make. We had to settle on the shape and position of teeth, lips, and tongue and how flexible they are. In the end we decided that:
  • A Drakoni's tongue is in-between a crocodile and an iguana. It's broad, flat, and unforked but long and flexible enough that all Drakoni can touch their noses with their tongues. They can make a wide range of tongue and throat-based sounds.
  • Their teeth are triangular, spaced out, and stand in two rows such that some sit outside of the lips when closed. This makes sounds that use the lips over the teeth like "f" and "v" impossible to cleanly make and requires using a stiffened upper lip instead of the top teeth to make sounds resembling "th". As a result, these sounds are rare and sound "lisp-y" when made.
  • Their lips aren't able to make an "O" shape. 


Just as lifeforms change and evolve over time, so to does language. I'm assuming you know English if you're reading this (Hello, users of Google Translate) so I'm sure you know that languages pick up features over time mostly from other languages. For Drakoni, it was previously established that it evolved from an older Draconic language (no surprise there) so we started with what that older language was like.

Dragons aren't the most sociable creatures so it was probably very simplistic. Lots of hissing and growls and forceful words. This gave us an evolutionary starting point for the language of their smaller, more sociable offshoot race. Drakoni have ancestry from lizardfolk who are commonly depicted as being social, living in tribes, and doing trade. Drakoni doing similar would have evolved their language include more diverse sounds and convey more information. The swear words probably stayed close to the original Draconic, though.

Selecting Sounds

The next part is a bit arduous. I had to go through the 80-ish words that exist in v2 of the language and try to sound them out based on the newly-detailed understanding of Drakoni anatomy. This often involved sticking fingers in my mouth or holding my lips in different places to try and tease out what sounds you can make with those teeth and lips. I used the International Phoenetic Alphabet and Wikipedia's interactive sound tables to take a first pass at classifying the noises and then my linguist friend helped clean the data up.

Having clear IPA classifications meant we could now agree on how a particular string of sounds would add up to a word and how to speak words written in Drakoni. Not every language uses all of the sounds possible for its speakers to make, so we looked at anatomy again and decided that any sounds that might be possible but difficult to make are only found in loanwords taken from other languages. For example, we decided native Drakoni speech has an "n" but no "m" sound. "Magik" for instance in Drakoni is a loanword from Elvish.

At the end of this process we had 5 vowels and 28 consonant sounds. Three of the consonant sounds are made in ways that are less natural for Drakoni to make, so those are foreign sounds added to the Drakoni language over time. Knowing which sounds are common in the language and which are not is important when it comes to creating the language's vocabulary and written components.

In Part 2

Now that we know how Drakoni speak, the next step is to turn it into an actual language. In the next part I'll cover how the grammar, syntax, and writing system for Drakoni v3 were created.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 3 Updated

Chapter 3 of The Frozen Kingdom has been updated following playtesting.

Chapter 3 - The Girl from the Glacier: Google Doc | PDF
The Frozen Kingdom Bestiary: Google Doc | PDF

Changes to this chapter were relatively light and focused on clarifying some of the exposition and balance changes to the two skill challenges presented in this episode. Most notably players with middling investigation skills are more likely to get information that is potentially incorrect rather than no information at all during the search of the city skill challenge.

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 5

Chapter 5 of The Frozen Kingdom is now available for preview.

I had to split the dungeon experience from Chapter 4 into two pieces to follow my length guideline. Chapter 5 continues where we left off with the search for Välásir’s hidden library.


Chapter 5 - Archives: Google Doc | PDF
The Frozen Kingdom Bestiary: Google Doc | PDF

This chapter's dungeon is slightly less puzzle-focused and features some non-combat encounters for players to work through.

Level 3 characters. Estimated playing time: 2 hours.

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 4

Chapter 4 of The Frozen Kingdom is now available for preview.

That's probably it for May updates. In June I expect to have Chapter 3 updates and Chapter 5 out for preview.


Chapter 4 - Välásir: Google Doc | PDF
The Frozen Kingdom Bestiary: Google Doc | PDF

This chapter delves into a bit more of the mythology of the world and begins to set up the main adventure arc. The players must find a clue towards what Zerith Amastatica is looking for hidden deep beneath the city of Sylridian.

This chapter features a medium-sized puzzle dungeon and encounters with new and familiar enemies.

Level 3 characters. Estimated playing time: 2 hours.

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Chapter 2 Updates

Following playtesting this weekend, Chapter 2 of The Frozen Kingdom has been updated.

Download Chapter 2 - Dragon's Teeth: Google Doc | PDF
The Frozen Kingdom Bestiary: Google Doc | PDF

There were only a few changes for clarity and some minor editing this time around since this module overlaps with Chapter 1 a fair bit.

One clear piece of feedback received was that it is too similar to chapter 1 in terms of setting and encounters. Without giving too much away, most of the similarity was intentional and logical. Nevertheless if this feedback is repeated I will re-tool parts to make it a more unique experience.

Another piece of feedback was that Bottle Knight fights weren't interesting enough after the nerf. In response to that I've changed them yet again. They now have a battlefield control ability - leaving puddles of acid around after missed acid shots and AoE spray attacks. This is balanced out by the puddle only doing damage if a player walks into it or ends their turn in that space, to give creatures already hit by the AoE a chance to move and avoid extra damage. Additional testing will be required to see if this makes the encounter more "interesting" in a way that is fair but challenging.

Playing time came in just under 3 hours for a party of 5 with some inexperienced players a lot of table chatter. More focused and experienced groups could probably do it in 2. For such groups I recommend playing chapters 1 and 2 back-to-back as they together comprise most of the "introduction" part of this story.

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Frozen Kingdom Chapter 1 Updates

Following a playtest this weekend I've updated The Frozen Kingdom chapter 1.

Notable changes include:
  • Removed irrelevant section about the Sylridian Helix that doesn't have any importance until Chapter 3 and is repeated there anyways
  • Clarified wording in Taneth's quest speech
  • Added description of Bottle Knight defensive tactics
Bestiary changes include:
  • Nerfed Bottle Knight damage output
  • Changed Bottle Knight abilities because they were too similar to Ice Mephits already encountered in Ch.1
Updated documents can be downloaded here:

Chapter 1 - Mog the Missing: Google Doc | PDF
The Frozen Kingdom Bestiary: Google Doc | PDF

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 3

As promised, it's done early!
Module 3 of The Frozen Kingdom is now available for playtest.

This one is different from the first two in a few important ways: First off, it's much heavier on narrative and exposition as it expands upon events from the first two chapters. Second, it takes place entirely within Sylridian at various locations in the city. Lastly, it contains a couple skill-challenge encounters as well as traditional combat. I guess what I'm saying is, "roleplayers and skillmonkeys, this one's for you."

I said this one would be short like chapter 2 but it's actually the longest by page-count. Go figure.

#3 The Girl from the Glacier (CR 2)

Google Doc | PDF

The Bestiary has been updated with monsters from this episode:
Google Doc | PDF

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 2

The second module of my new campaign for 5th Edition is now complete and ready to playtest.

This one is kinda short but it contains one of the pivotal RP moments from the story. Episode 3 is also a short-ish RP focused module which I'm already off to a good start on so it will probably be done ahead of schedule.

The Frozen Kingdom Ch. 2 - Dragon's Teeth (CR 2)

 The Bestiary has been updated with monsters from this episode:

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 1

The first chapter of my new adventure for 5th Edition is now complete and ready to playtest. When I played this with a test group it was about 2 hours long. My goal is for each chapter to be 2-3 hours in length.

I hope to crank these out once per month but we'll see how that goes with testing and revision work.

The Frozen Kingdom Ch. 1 - Mog the Missing (CR 1)

The Frozen Kingdom - Bestiary

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Updated map of Teredahar

Writing new modules got me in the mood to make a new map. This is an update and colourization of the previous hand-drawn map. I've drawn colour maps of Teredahar before but this is by far the best-looking. Details are sparse in this version but it's drawn at very high resolution so I can zoom in for locality maps and add detail as necessary, keeping in mind the rule of Conservation of Detail.

The scale has dramatically changed from the previous map in order to put locations at more Earth-like latitudes for their given climate. At the new (and hopefully final) scale Teredahar is about 2/3 the area of North America. It's 2000 miles as the crow flies from Sylridian to Kivan Torrat and the continent is 3000 miles east to west at its widest. That's nearly triple what it was before but properly scaled for an Earth-sized planet. As always, this scale is purely for aesthetics.

Monday, February 29, 2016

5th Edition updates and more modules are coming

After a year on ice I've gotten some of my writing initiative back. Hurray. 

Now that 5E is OGL I'll be updating the license text for Teredahar and adding 5E stat blocks alongside the Pathfinder stat blocks where applicable.

I've also begun work on porting one of my personal Teredahar campaigns into proper modules for 5E. This will be about 10 episodes long. I've got no release schedule yet but I'm aiming for one a month.