Four Equal Castes
Most Drakoni are divided into four castes: Growers (KasKhenda), Smiths (KasShenéth), Scholars (Nalethséth), and Keepers (KasNókrasharRhokar Sendar). Each caste has its own internal politics and laws (Caste Law) that are superseded by Council Law.Castes are expected to take care of their own. Grievances and disputes between members of the same caste are expected to be dealt with by that caste's leaders. Conflict between castes is rare but not unheard of. Causing inter-caste strife is a serious crime in Drakoni society.
Each caste also contributes its own warriors to Drakonia's military force, the Legion Drakoni.
Caste Membership
A newly-hatched Drakoni is a member of his or her mother's caste throughout childhood. During this time they are taught by caste members but no caste-specific education happens. Upon reaching adulthood at 90 years of age all Drakoni undergo a ceremony ritual Life-Choosing (Khanalvarnketh).At the Khanalvarnketh ritual a Drakoni chooses either to stay with his or her mother caste or join a different one. Often all Drakoni of an age within a settlement undergo this ritual together. During the ritual representatives from each caste attempt to recruit new members. Everyone is taught about all of the castes from a young age, but this is the only time and place that overt recruiting is permitted. Once the ritual is complete, whatever caste a Drakoni chooses is his for life. Switching caste afterwards is not permitted.
The Four Castes
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A Female Drakoni of the Nalethséth |
Farmers, herders, gardeners, and trackers are some of the roles this caste encompasses. Generally speaking this caste deals with the wilds and things that live and grow. Most of the Legion's infantry come from the Grower Caste.
This castes' members are mostly artisans and craftsmen. This caste's role in society revolves around artifice. As you might expect, of all the castes this caste has the most followers of The Way of the Forge. Members of the Smith Caste make up much of the Legion's logistical and equipment support.
Drakoni mages are almost exclusively members of the Scholar Caste. Members of this caste are academics, authors, and explorers concerned with new discoveries and creating new ideas for the advancement of Drakonia. The Scholar Caste also trains and equips war-mages to serve in the Legion.
The Caste of Keepers are the defenders of Drakonia's history, monuments, and relics. The Keepers provide guards for important cultural sites and maintain large archives where records and historical artifacts are kept. During times of war the Keepers provide maps, intelligence, and aid in communication between Legion forces.
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