The Pyren
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Pyren females are rare, comprising as little as a quarter of the population. Pyren all have some magical aptitude, but females' raw power often exceeds that of males. Their abilities place them above Pyren men in the social order. Females are often the nucleus of households, rulers of nations, and leaders of armies. Men on the other hand are often foot-soldiers, labourers, and artificers.
Since these were created as enemies and not as a player race, they're presented here in stat-block format:Pyren Footsoldier
This tall humanoid has ashen skin, a bald head, and eyes that glow like embers. The falling rain steams off its skin and half-plate. The longsword in its hand glows as though fresh from the forge.
Male Pyren Fighter Level 3,
Medium Humanoid [Fire] [Extraplanar]
HD 3d10+3, (15-33 avg 26hp)
Initiative +5
Speed 30’
AC 21 (Half-plate +8, Large Steel Shield +2, DEX +1), 11 touch, 20 flat-footed
Longsword – 1d6+2, crit 19-20/x2, melee +5
Power Attack with Longsword - 1d6+4, crit 19-20/x2, melee +4
Searing Touch – Anything hit by longsword, or touching it, 1d6 fire damage, no save, no sr
Space/Reach 5' / 5'
Saves +4 Fort, +2 Reflex (Scatter and Dive for Cover), +0 Will (+1 vs Fear, Rally)
CMD 16 (BAB (+3), STR (+2), DEX (+1)
CMB +5 (BAB (+3), STR(+2))
Ability Scores STR 14 (+2), DEX 12 (+1), CON 12 (+1), INT 7 (-2), WIS 9 (-1), CHA 9 (-1)
Class Features Bravery, Armor Training 1
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Infantry Tactics*(Dive for Cover, Scatter, Shield Wall)
Skills Stealth +4, Perception +2
Pyren Warmage
This tall, ashen-skinned humanoid glares at you with eyes that burn like hot coals. It's bare to the waist and wearing a kilt made of overlapping metal plates. Crimson motes of energy dance around its fingertips as it points them at you.
Male Pyren Warmage** Level 6
Medium Humanoid [Fire] [Extraplanar]
HD 6d6 (11-36, avg 22)
Initiative +5
Speed 40'
AC 17 (Plate Kilt (+2), DEX (+1), Shield Spell (+4), 11 touch, 17 flat-footed
+Shield spell protects from magic missiles
Spells per day (6/7/5/3):
Level 0:
Acid Splash – 1d3 acid damage, no save, no sr
Level 1:
Burning Hands – 15’ cone, 5d4+3 fire damage, reflex DC 14 half
Magic Missile – 3 missiles, 1 missile does 1d4+4, the rest do 1d4+1, no save, no sr
Orb of Fire, Lesser – 3d8+3 fire damage, ranged touch +5, no sr
Shocking Grasp – 5d6+3 electricity damage, melee touch +2, no sr
Level 2:
Fireburst – 5’ burst, 5d8+3 fire damage, reflex DC 15 half
Scorching Ray – 1 ray, 4d6+3 fire damage, ranged touch +5, no sr
Level 3:
Fireball – 20’ blast within 640’, 6d6+3 fire damage, reflex DC 16 half
Lightning Bolt – 120’ line, 6d6+3 lightning damage, reflex DC 16 half
Searing Touch – Anything hit in melee or toughing it, 1d6 fire damage, no save, no sr
Saves +1 Fort, +3 Reflex, +4 Will
CMD 12 (BAB (+3), STR (-2), DEX (+1)
CMB +4 (BAB (+3), DEX (+1)
Ability Scores STR 7 (-2), DEX 12 (+1), CON 9 (-1), INT 12 (+1), WIS 9 (-1), CHA 14 (+2)
Class Features Armored Mage (light), Warmage Edge +1+2, Advanced Learning [Fire Burst]
Feats Improved Initiative, Combat Casting, Spell Focus (Evocation), Extra Edge
Skills Spellcraft +9, Disable Device +6, Stealth +6, Perception -1
*Infantry Tactics are a set of abilities granted at the cost of a Fighter feat that represent soldiers being trained in basic medieval infantry tactics as well as to survive combat with mages who could otherwise just AoE them to bits. These were adapted from the 3.5 Complete Warrior.
Dive for Cover - As an immediate action following a failed Reflex save against an area-effect, a soldier with this ability can drop prone to re-roll the Reflex save. He must take the second result. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and why are you standing in friendly fire anyways?
Scatter - As an immediate action while standing in a formation with other soldiers, all members of the formation who have not spent their swift/immediate action this round may take a 5' step away from the formation's centre. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Shield Wall - Two or more soldiers with this ability standing next to each other in formation and using the Full Defense action provide concealment equivalent to a Tower Shield to soldiers directly behind them, as well as gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC and +8 CMD bonus to resist a Bull Rush, Grapple, Pounce, or other action that would enter their space.
**Using Pathfinder conversion of Warmage found here:
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