Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Birth of a World - The Vault Golem

Original artwork by chillier17:

Before you stands a hulking behemoth of metal. A large crank-handle and keyhole protrude from the front of its speherical safe of body.
  • Built by someone to protect valuable objects
  • Instead of protection location they're kept, it moves with them.
  • Recognizes a master to let him/her get close enough to unlock safe
CR          10
Size        Large
Initiative  +2
Senses      Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', +0 Perception

AC          26, touch 12, flat-footed 23 (+3 dex, +13 natural, -1 size)
HP          110 (13d10 +30)
Fortitude   +4, immune to anything that wants it, unless it works on objects
Reflex      +7
Will        +4
DR          10/adamantine and bludgeoning
Construct immunities
Magic immunity (see below)

Speed       30ft
Melee       2 slams +21 (2d8+8 bludgeoning)
Space/Reach 10' / 10'

Str 26 (+8), Dex 16 (+3), Con -, Int -, Wis 10 (0), Cha 1 (LOL)
Base Atk  +13
CMB       +21
CMD       35

--Special Abilities--
Magic Immunity:
  A Valut Golem is immune to any spell that allows Spell Resistance, except as noted:
  - A lightning bolt spell removes effects of overheating and causes a Vault Golem to gain Haste for 2 rounds. 
  - Any effect that causes the Vault Golem to heat gives it the Overheat condition described below. 
  - Spells that cause metal to rust affect a Vault Golem normally
  If exposed to extreme temperatures such as a furnace or a Heat Metal spell, a Vault Golem will begin to overheat, slowing its movement. 
  - -6 penalty to dex 
  - movement penalty
  - Lasts 2 rounds after heat is removed

  If a Vault Golem is destroyed by massive damage, fire, or explosion there is a 75% chance that its contents are destroyed. 
  If the Vault Golem is immobilized or otherwise disabled, you can attempt to pick the lock. DC is 36 to pick the lock.

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