Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Frozen Kingdom, Chapter 1

The first chapter of my new adventure for 5th Edition is now complete and ready to playtest. When I played this with a test group it was about 2 hours long. My goal is for each chapter to be 2-3 hours in length.

I hope to crank these out once per month but we'll see how that goes with testing and revision work.

The Frozen Kingdom Ch. 1 - Mog the Missing (CR 1)

The Frozen Kingdom - Bestiary

The Frozen Kingdom Chapters

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Updated map of Teredahar

Writing new modules got me in the mood to make a new map. This is an update and colourization of the previous hand-drawn map. I've drawn colour maps of Teredahar before but this is by far the best-looking. Details are sparse in this version but it's drawn at very high resolution so I can zoom in for locality maps and add detail as necessary, keeping in mind the rule of Conservation of Detail.

The scale has dramatically changed from the previous map in order to put locations at more Earth-like latitudes for their given climate. At the new (and hopefully final) scale Teredahar is about 2/3 the area of North America. It's 2000 miles as the crow flies from Sylridian to Kivan Torrat and the continent is 3000 miles east to west at its widest. That's nearly triple what it was before but properly scaled for an Earth-sized planet. As always, this scale is purely for aesthetics.