Given the unique nature of the place, I've decided to map Kor's Geode in profile.Location
Kor's Geode is a minor city located in Ashdar's Broken Teeth mountain range. It is built almost entirely within an enormous geode lined with building-sized amethyst crystals inside of a dead volcano. There is no other place like it in the world.The city was founded to harvest the geode's amethysts, and this remains a major part of its industry. These crystals are cut from the geode's walls and broken up by master gemsmiths for export. The largest chunks are prized for their ability to bind elementals in the cores of airships. Smaller pieces are turned into powerstones or simply used as jewels.
Several years after the city's founding, entreprising elvish shipwrights established the Skyperch Shipyard in the dead volcano's caldera. This arrangement has allowed the dwarves of the Geode to export the largest crystals without having to transport them by road.
The city on the geode's floor is built of local reddish-brown volcanic stone in a squat, angular style similar to that of the Plains Dwarves of Koldar. Most of the buildings have 2-3 floors and no roofs. The lack of weather also means that the buildings' windows have no glass or shutters. Simple curtains suffice. Low-level window sills often have sharp metal to prevent climbing inside. Some buildings extend underground into the sandy dirt on the geode's floor.A prominent feature of Kor's Geode is The Citadel. Suspended on chains high above the city, the Citadel is the home of the CEO of the Kor's Geode Crystal Co. and ruler of the city, Kor Andesite III. The citadel is built of timber and lightweight stone panels, making it appear similar to buildings below but much lighter. It's chained to the geode's outer shell at eight points with heavy steel chains. A wooden bridge connects the citadel to the lift shaft that runs up one side of the geode.
Powerful lights on the the citadel illuminate the entire geode with purple light shining through the amethysts on the cavern's walls, casting the city in permanent twilight.
Kor's Geode is a blue-collar company town. Only employees of the Kor's Geode Crystal Co. and their families may reside permanently within the city. The population living inside the geode is almost entirely Mountain Dwarves with a few Duergar.The culture of the geode revolves entirely around the work of harvesting and exporting crystals. Work is hard, hours are long, and many of the inhabitants live in near-poverty while the CEO and company executives live lavishly in the palatial Citadel.
The Crystal Co. employs some townspeople as a city watch and small defensive force. Larger-scale defense is provided by Skyperch's airship fleet.
The entire mountain containing Kor's Geode is owned by the Kor's Geode Crystal Co. All properties on and inside the mountain are leased from the company. The CEO of the company is the city's despotic ruler. Succession is handled by the company's executive board but since the city's founding it has always been ruled by a member of House Andesite.To date there has been one strike in the city's history. Striking workers protesting long working hours and their lack of say in the city's governance were violently rounded up and exiled from the city. Thirty-six died. This short of "trouble-making" is now heavily frowned upon.
Stat Block (Pathfinder)
Kor's Geode, The Broken Teeth, Ashdar
LN Large TownCorruption +4; Crime +1; Economy +2; Law +4; Lore +0; Society -4
Qualities defensible, racial enclave, insular
Disadvantages impoverished
Danger 5
Government Overlord (CEO)Population 3,800 (90% Mountain Dwarves, 8% Syldarri Elves, 1% Duergar, 1% Other Races)
Notable NPCs
CEO of Kor's Geode Crystal Co. Kor Andesite III (mountain dwarf, male, LN, Aristocrat 6 / Expert 3, age 179)Watch Commander Halite MacMorag (mountain dwarf, male, LE, Fighter 7, age 130)
Anarchist Brazz (duergar, male, CG, Psion 5, age 96)
Base Value 2,000 gp; Purchase Limit 10,000 gp; Spellcasting 5thMinor/Medium/Major items: 3d4 / 2d4 / 1d4